Welcome! Download & Enjoy These Sacred Gifts from Our Speakers!


Lisa Hromada ~ Empowered Lifeview™ Guide & Life Transformation Mentor

5-Piece Divine Reset™ Gift Set

Are you ready to unlock the power of spiritual surrender? In your Divine Reset™ gift set, you’ll gain valuable insightsand powerful practices to transcend any challenge with greater ease, grace, and flow (and results!). You'll discover how to live with the greatest level of peace, trust, and divine alignment no matter your circumstances. Download Your Gift Set Today!

Mary Jo Rathgeb ~ Life Transitions Coach, Professional Certified Coach, Certified RIM Facilitator, iPEC Energy Leadership Master Practitioner

5 Reasons to Befriend Your Shadow Emotions eGuide

Do you find yourself repeating the same old patterns even when you know you want to change? Most likely, you’ve tried fighting them. Maybe it’s time you tried something different. Our shadows are not all negative, they are also filled with gifts that we inadvertently stuffed along with all we avoided. In this free eguide, you’ll learn the transformative power of befriending your shadow emotions and will also receive a special invitation.

Karen Shier ~ Midlife Transformation Guide

3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (So You Can Hear Your Inner Wisdom) eGuide

Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default. Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.

Sarah Haas ~ Women's Weight Release Expert & Body Love Coach

Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism eBook

It's no secret that our metabolism slows as we age. The roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss, and stress slows our fat burning engines.

But that doesn't have to be the case! You deserve to feel great in your body, and that's why I'm giving you my FREE e-Book with PROVEN strategies to help midlife women fire up their metabolisms, release weight, and reclaim their health.

Michelle Lemoi ~ Transformational and Evolutionary Guide and Speaker

6 Practices to Reconnect with Your Feminine Essence Guide

Are you ready to stop living on autopilot and live and lead from your inner power? If you’re tired of pushing, doing, and striving, it’s time to follow your heart’s yearning to reconnect with your feminine essence and create your own definition of success, balance, and joy. In the 6 Practices to Reconnect with Your Feminine Essence Guide, you’ll learn the empowering practices and be invited to dive deeper with journal prompts. The gift also includes a special bonus.

Mary Beth Gudewicz ~ Functional Nutritionist and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

5 - pc. Align Your Body, Mind, & Spirit Meditation Set with Affirmation Poster

Experience more joy, inner peace and happiness with this supportive gift set that supports you in aligning your body, mind & spirit. You’ll receive four meditations including: Quiet Your Mind & Reset Your Energy, Heart Chakra Clearing for Self-Love, Transmute Your Anxiety Solar Plexus meditation and the Connect with the Wisdom of Your Soul Guided Journey. You’ll also receive the gorgeous printable Body, Mind & Spirit Affirmations poster.

Nancy OKeefe ~ Certified Human Design Specialist and Intuitive Business Coach

3 Sacred Gifts You Can Learn from Your Human Design Chart

Did you know you are divinely designed with an energetic footprint unique to your soul’s journey? Knowing your Human Design Energy Type empowers you to create the abundant, joyful and successful life you are meant for. Once you discover your Human Design Energy Type you learn to cocreate and to navigate life from yourheart and inner truth. In this free guide, you’ll learn 3 sacred gifts your Human Design Chart holds about you.

Felicia-Messina D’Haiti ~ Soul Coaching® and Feng Shui Trainer and Coachch

Align with Abundance Feng Shui Enhancement Set

Ready to create a home that aligns with the energy of abundance? Your gift set includes the Align with Abundance: Feng Shui Enhancements for Your Home guide (PDF). In it you’ll learn Feng Shui Enhancements for various rooms in your home, the importance of clutter clearing and why it matters, and a Clutter Clearing Exercise. You’ll also receive the “Connect with the Energy of Your Home” guided meditation.

Bonnie Snyder ~ Intuitive Life Balance Coach and Energy Psychology Diplomate supports highly-sensitive women to embrace their gifts as superpowers

5 Piece Diamond Matrix Belief Clearing Gift Set

Highly sensitive women, it’s time to release the beliefs limiting you from claiming your superpowers with this transformational gift set. Receive 2 supportive videos to prepare for your inner journey and The Diamond Matrix - Connecting with Your Magical Inner Child and Reconnect with Your Inner Light (mp3s). Release your magic as you up-level, transform, and experience your power.

Cynthia Medina ~ Transformational Life and Health Coach and Energy Practitioner

7-pc Healing with Love Meditation Set

Your body knows the answers. The Healing with Love Meditation Set gently guides you within so you can hear the wisdom of your body and access your innate healing powers. Your gift set includes the powerful Energetic Body Scan as well as six supportive meditations on Peaceful Sleep, Self-Compassion, Stress-Relief, Trauma Release, Pain Relief and Gratitude.

Mary Magouirk ~ Conscious Choices Coach, Master Law of Attraction Coach and Desire Factor Coach

6 Steps to Co-Create Your Dream Life eGuide

You have the power in every moment to intentionally create your dream life. The power lies within every choice you make. Your free eguide, 6 Steps to Co-Create Your Dream Life: The Transformational Power of Choice shares the conscious creation process that, when implemented daily, will support you in staying aligned with the energy of that which you wish to change, create, or call in. Step onto the path of conscious creation today!

Karen McPhail ~ Soulmate Manifestation Coach and Women’s Empowerment Life Coach

5 Steps to Manifest Your Soulmate

Learn the simple, yet profoundly powerful, practices that will help you raise your vibrational frequency and become a magnet to your soulmate. You’ll discover the importance of falling in love with yourself and your life so you can align your frequency with that of your highest-level soulmate. From that place of alignment, it is possible to attract true love. You’ve tried all the outer practices to call in your love—now it’s time to focus on your inner practices. Your soulmate is waiting for you.

Cindy Winsel ~ Certified Creative Depth Coach and Certified Zentangle® Teacher

4 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit

You don’t have to identify as a creative to reap the benefits of a daily creativity practice. Even 15-minutes a day offers a wealth of benefits to your emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.  The Nurture Your Creative Spirit eguide includes ‘Tips to Creating Space for Creativity’, ‘Supplies to Have on Hand’ and 4 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit.

Kelley Grimes, MSW ~ Self-Nurturing Expert

The Self-Nurturing Starter Kit

Are you yearning to cultivate more peace, joy and meaning in your life? Download your Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today which includes a guided mediation, affirmations, permission slips, and beautiful breathe cards to encourage you to nurture the most important relationship you will ever have - the relationship with yourself! Download the Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today!

Crystal Cockerham ~ Spiritual Mentor & Red Tent Facilitator

Rituals to Nourish Your Goddess Soul Gift Set

In this supportive 4-piece gift set, you’ll receive two videos, including: A Morning Ritual to Nurture Your Goddess Soul, and the second, An Evening Ritual to Nurture Your Goddess Soul. You’ll also receive The Inner Goddess Guidance Meditation and the Creating Your Own Personalized Sacred Ritual PDF that includes a checklist for creating sacred space with reverence as well as elements of a ritual so you can intuitively craft your own.

Amy Lindner - Lesser, MSW ~ Grief Recovery Method ® Specialist and Certified Life Transitions Coach

The 7 Phases to Navigating Life’s Transitions

Life transitions are something we all experience. Whether it’s the heart-breaking grief that arises from the loss of a loved one or the disorientation felt when life suddenly shifts due to the loss of a job, relationship, identity, or a health challenge, learning to navigate those transitions with mindfulness, grace, and self-compassion is the key to finding your way back to joy, happiness, and inner peace. Download this supportive guide today.

Lee Murphy Wolf ~ Expansion Catalyst for Soul-Led Women

Tune into Your Next Chapter 5-Part Audio Series

Tap into your wisdom and confidently make aligned choices through the power of tuning. This 5-part audio series introduces what tuning is, how it resets your nervous system, the anatomy of your energy body, and simple ways to tune yourself in minutes. You’ll also experience a taste of tuning so you can start to relax and reconnect to yourself.

Sha Blackburn ~ The Loon Witch ~ Psychic, Holistic Healer, and Teacher

3-piece Magickal Living: Elevate Your Frequency Kit

Learn to tap into the magick all around you. This empowering frequency elevating kit includes the How to Tap into the Magickal Elements of Each Day (PDF) that shows you how to connect with the energies of each day of the week. You’ll also receive the Vibrational Frequency Chakra Balancing (MP3), a sound bath for your chakras and the Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation (MP3) so you can learn to connect with yours.

Tina C. Hines ~ Life Transformation Specialist

Finding Calm in Chaos: Affirmations for a Peaceful Life

Open your heart to the beauty of living a peaceful life with our 30 Affirmations on Finding Calm in Chaos. The collection of affirmations will help transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you to live with more joy, peace, and love.

Kim Turcotte ~ Spiritual Life Coach & Magick Maker

Three 5-Minute Daily Rituals to Help You Step Into Your Magick™

These are simple rituals, easy to incorporate into your day--even if you are super-busy!

Each of the rituals only take a few minutes out of your day and they will help you establish a powerful daily practice for personal growth and healing. These are the exact daily rituals I use in my own life to support my own personal growth, self-care and self-love.

Nanci Reed ~ Sacred Embodiment Coach, Author, Intuitive Healer, Pilates Instructor

Align with Love Self-Healing Gift Set

Invite more gentleness and less judgment into your daily life. In the Align with Love Self-Healing Gift Set you’ll receive: The 15-minute ‘Intentionally Inviting Gentleness’ guided meditation and 7 Self-Healing Journal Prompts (PDF). This set will gently stir your wonder and curiosity and align your mind, body, and spirit with love—not limitations.